Shocking News 7 Tunnel Entrances Discovered on Mars

You know what, it's not often that I get stuck for words but on this occasion (I'll always remember) I was stuck for words.

I'm really happy about this Mars underground tunnel entrance because it's the evidence that we all need.


But you do realize that Mars has fierce storms right, so it must mean that someone or something is keeping the entrance swept - free from a build-up of Mars sand and that's just logical thinking about it. We can see the entranceway going into the tunnel a ways back but I know that Mars gets fierce sand storms. It's this that nearly killed the Mars Rover because of the huge build-up of sand on its solar panels.

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See, it makes sense once we allow ourselves to think logically about even the most unusual ideas or opinions. The sand on Mars was a massive obstacle to overcome not just for the Mars Rover but also for the recent helicopter sent to Mars. So someone else or something else must be keeping the tunnel entrance swept of sand and who knows eh, it could be a bunch of people who have been on Mars for decades. People believed that the US sent people to Mars a long time ago.

This is probably some of the best evidence of life on Mars we will all see,  just short of actual Alien contact.

Tunnel entrance has been discovered on Mars in epic Google Earth imagery.

Credit: Dahboo77 YouTube video/Google Earth/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.

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Not at first though because by reading the title of the video I was kinda already aware of an underground tunnel so I was expecting "one" underground tunnel entrance but instead Dahboo77 then said:

"But wait a minute, what else do we have here if we scroll to the left and keep on going?"

So I watched and waited, then watched some more, and low and behold another different underground tunnel entrance came into view. This one though slightly bigger, is the twin to the first one that I saw at the beginning of this video.

Mars entrance means that there's life on Mars.

Dahboo77 YouTube is always coming up with great and exciting news on UFOs and aMarsanomalies Check out his channel here. Below at the bottom of this post, I'll add part of the video description.

Here's a screenshot of the Mars surface underground tunnel entrance.

So, now that we've got this fascinating information about where the UFO Orbs on Mars could be coming from, what do we do with this extraordinary information? Well, the answer is simple, we share the news, we add it to the list of important information that the public needs to know more about, and ask questions. Talk, debate it, and remember why you got into Ufology and Extraterrestrials in the first place.

Check out my YouTube channel.

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For myself, I am on a personal mission to get as much information as I can. So it doesn't matter when Alien disclosure comes as I believe now and I'll believe the same after Alien confirmation.

7 Entrances have been found on Mars in Google Earth.

Credit: Dahboo77 YouTube video/Google Earth/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.

That's the exact point I was stuck for words. Nobody and I mean nothing, not one intelligent thing has ever stepped foot on that dead, red, and fully red planet "ever". But yet here we are, here we have evidence that goes totally and utterly opposite to that. To say it's confusing is an understatement but only to a point because that's when I bring down to bear the vast freely available information on this obvious Extraterrestrial structure.

Another entrance has been discovered on Mars.

Credit: Dahboo77 YouTube video/Google Earth/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.

Although this is going completely against the orthodox way of learning or the Government-sanctioned national curriculum, I understand that what I'm seeing is real, it's backed up by knowledge. Knowledge about how planets formed, what is and what isn't found in nature and nature and that covers rock formations, erosion, and atmospheric conditions "even of other planets". Tunnels with load-bearing columns on equal sides of an opening entrance don't occur in any way, shape, or form by natural forces.

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But to have 7 and I repeat seven tunnels on another celestial body and it being called Mars isn't normal. When you know more information about anything, things become clearer. But tunnels on Mars are so far-reaching that everything else I know and that is probably what you know, all makes sense now. The relics on the surface, the Martian surface left to time have been ravaged but the stuff buried underneath the natural build-up of Martian sand, buried under many hundreds if not thousands of tons of sand, build-up, dust, rocks pebbles, etc.

If there is a breakaway civilization still clinging to life in underground tunnels leading to cities, towns, etc then it all makes sense now. All the bones, shoes, guns, skeletons, pyramids, skulls (many, many skulls), crabs, crafts, tanks, flying saucers, domed buildings, structures, tunnels of glass, trees, plants, sheep, insects, birds flying in the sky and the Rover videos it and then photographs it.

Believe me, we just don't find the same array of materials on the Moon. For some reason or other the Martian surface is littered with the remains or remnants of a long-dead civilization that must have come to an abrupt end! The Mars surface almost reminds me of the Titanic.

Here's the exquisite and simply marvellous Google Earth discovery of what can "only" be described as multiple Mars underground tunnel entrances above.

See, there are still massive and I mean humongous conspiracy theories out there that in my mind do come to fruition and that do bear fruits. Most people are aware that Mars has structures, trees, life, animals, etc on it and there has been serious evidence put forward that backs these claims up.

Then there's the Martians living on the planet, there's been lots of serious evidence put forward that backs up these claims but now we have real in-your-face intelligently created structures on Mars and there's not just one example of stone stonework entrances but seven. That's 7 entrances all looking the same and that's the smoking gun if ever there was one.

Here's the part of the YouTube video description.

Every time an amazing discovery is made on Mars, They quickly tell the sheep it is a rock or shadow! Time and time again, They try to make excuses for the objects being discovered all over Mars. This time, they are not fooling anyone by saying it's just rock formations. No doubt, some of the small-minded out there will bye NASA Lies til the Great Deception! But for those out there with an open mind, And who know we are being lied to, This find speaks volumes!{alertInfo}

These entrances are all different when it comes to the fine detail. Some of them even seem to have something inside! The best way to find them is to follow the directions in the video! I found at least 7 that stand out solid. I also found more that were covered up partially by a crappy Photoshop job.

Regardless, THEY ARE THERE!

Credit: Dahboo77 YouTube video/Google Earth/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. Man, all your "entrances" are placed exactly on the line where two satellite passes are pasted together, they are mere digital artifacts. You can´t be so st....

  2. Potentially, they are entrances, built by the precious civilization as Fallout Shelters before the planet was obliterated by Nuclear Bombardment & lost their atmosphere, killing the entire planet. (The fallout shelters didn't work, because they didn't account for that possibility.) NASA Should send the Rover to these locations... but you know they never will, because the North Canadian Island there they are filming their "Mars" footage is only so large.)

  3. Does anyone really think Google Earth can zoom in on Mars (about 39 million miles away) to that degree? Get real guys, this reeks of BS. FWIW, I do beleive there's intelligent alien life out there somewhere (law of averages) but this is pure nonsense.

  4. Anyone realised those entrances are ALL PERFECTLY PARALLELS to the views of the camera... Strange! Very strange! ;D

  5. This is BS and I can't believe someone would want to make this up just shows that some people were deprived of attention growing up

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