Spaceship UFO Caught on Camera By Real Eye Witness And It's Very Clear Footage

As far as I can tell from looking at the video of this (what I can only describe as) a Spaceship, it's real.

Genuine looking Spacecraft Caught on Camera

Oh believe me, I've given myself an real hard time trying to convince myself that it's real but guys, it really, really does look like it's definitely genuine UFO so please, don't troll me or anyone else for that matter because it genuinely looks like one - thank you.

So let's assume that this is real, but what is it? Give us your best advice!

I'm starting the post with a question about what the craft even is because it looks like nothing else I've seen before.

HANDS down this looks very real as a UFO.

Credit: UFO News Instagram/Canva.

I'm reaching out to you to get your vast ocean of knowledge to bare down on this conundrum and let's hope that we can figure out what we have here?

Firstly, it's not like a traditional UFO and as pleased as I am to have a chance to figure it out, I don't think we will be able to get any further information on this... Unless someone could just say "fake" and we can all sing "come by ya" and all go home!

All I want is the answers to the questions of UFOs and Aliens been here on Earth. Nothing more and nothing less!

Lee Lewis UFO Sightings Footage.

But if you are anything like me then either one of the answer's would do. Real or fake, made using Photoshop or made using futuristic, Alien advanced technologies - it doesn't matter. As long as we can give everyone an answer as at the minute it's not got one.

Here is the awesome UFO video:

If you believe that it's not real then that's fine and if you believe that it is real then that's also fine. What I'd like to know is why you think it is or it isn't real? If you can share your thoughts on this with us, please let us know thank you.

Source: UFO News Instagram.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. I thinks its man made if it is real

    1. def not real high tech wouldnt look like that you wouldnt even see thrusters fire.

    2. ide say thats a fair assessment ...

    3. Don't think those are thrusters. Doesn't look like flame, Looks more like electrical discharge.

    4. it looks manmade and that looks like some sort of lifting jib underneath.

    5. Por favor saca las fotos claras,te puedo enseñar naves asi hasta hechas de papel,cuando veas una de verdad no tendras ni tiempo para grabarla,pues o te paraliza o corres tanto que te perderemos de vista. vez lo que yo vi y no pude sacar una foto me paralizó.

  2. Sorry to kill the party but it loos terrestrial to me. You can chage the musice to somthing less dramatic

  3. It´s probably CGI (well done). We can see 2 "afterburners" but not wings in a good size to give enough drag and lift. If someone (whoever) wants to fly in the earths atmosphere, one has to be really fast (bullet) OR have wings, big enough. That thing is way too slow. If one has a spaceship that can outfox gravitation, that one doesn´t need afterburners.

    1. Pretty torch flamey as well... I would expect more focused after burn. B+

  4. It is an A10 filmed at an obtuse angle

    1. Sorry bud, A-10's don't have afterburners. I worked end of runway where jets took off in afterburner, and this by no means is an afterburner. This looks like campfire flames coming out the back of this thing and they are not helping propel this craft. If anything it looks like its on fire.

    2. It could simply be condensation trails. Those happen on wingtips, particularly in clouds.

  5. vid don't work for me but looks like 2 linked why IDK maybe a re-supply goin' on ? .... looks man made tho but if it's real it's cool just the same ....

  6. Replies
    1. I'm near a base where they fly A10s all the time. Nope.

  7. Could be electric plasma, not flames.

  8. There is enough rotation in the object, one could easily make a 3D photo out of it. If anyone's interested.

  9. If you look at the front of the craft there is three spotlights that look like afterburners, but they might be the anti-gravity mechanism to keep the front end lifted. If true, who know what kind of propulsion I assume the two rear "afterburners" are providing.

  10. What could an alien spacecraft possibly burn to have flames like that? Did it come here to load up with fossel fuel?

  11. The dancing flame looking trails off the end most definitely aren't an afterburner type propulsion product. Afterburners are high speed very directional airflow and stay clearly shaped and defined. It could possibly be illuminated vapor trails but it just looks fake to me

  12. The "afterburners" move like sheer fabric being blown in the wind, i.e. a woman's scarf. Just doesn't appear real to me; also moving awfully slow, but I don't know that much about aeronautics.

  13. THIS IS REAL... you just need special sunglasses to see us.

  14. Clearly fossil fuelled - did you really need anyone else's opinion? What a load of tripe!!!!!!!!!

  15. well thats either a very well trained sports videographer expert or its a hoax, have you ever followed or tried to follow an airplane with known speed and direction behind clouds using a phone only to be miles out when they pop out the other side.

  16. What would be providing lift? There are no significant lifting surfaces. What appear to be flames coming from two rear nozzles MIGHT provide forward thrust, but would not provide lift.

  17. Looks like an Aztec piloting a rocket powered flight device.

  18. I don't think it is a real UFO.cause there would not have flames coming from the rear of the vehicle. I believe it is man made.

  19. A man made remote controlled air-craft flown by a human on the ground!

  20. Looks home made, Flames coming from the thrusters is not new or advanced technology. To come here from another solar system requires advanced technology. This is 100% FAKE.


  22. Looking at what is supposed to be the discharge from the engines ,it just looks fake , if you look at earth rockets they have a very consistant flame , if that was a car engine you could assume it was running rough and missing .Just for the record I have seen an unexplained craft over S.London quite a few years ago . I was very close as it was at tree top height . It was the typical shape of it's time a saucer shape with portholes , through which I could see shadowy figures moving around .They were shaped like greys , large heads and thin long arms . the craft was silver ,without any signs of joints ,completely silent with no discharge or obvious means of propulsion . after hovering above the trees for while ,it just flew incredibly fast and disappeared without a sound .I was not alone that night my nephew saw it too . He was a teenager at the time and was so terrified he hid in some bushes,though I thought it posed no threat and thought it was a fantatsic experience . This account is real and I have nothng to gain by making this story up .

    1. Thank you for having the courage to post your story. As our government has finally confirmed, UFOs/UAPs are real. Both my wife and I have seen them under the best viewing conditions...

  23. I see they are using a different method of CGI. This one is a physical object, although not going fast enough to pull the flames out behind it like an old 50s movie, filmed and then the clouds were CGI in front of it. this is very visible to see, also the flight path appears to be the physical object on wire or string as the flight path bounces up and down.

  24. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article post. Really Cool.

  25. That is ours. Failed/ forgot cloaking. Jump ship to mars.

  26. Skip the music! When present almost certainly fake subject.

  27. The pattern is erratic in relation to the clouds. It's like a steady-cam effect on the object used often in sci-fi these days but forgot to apply it to the environment.

    But the most basic question is provenance. Why is there ZERO information on when and where this was taken and by whom???

    1. As and when the information is available, I always put it in. Anonymous reports or unverifiable are always posted as is. The video should be evidence enough. Knowing the time I assume is needed but not critical. 80% plus UFO sightings are reported anonymously. They're still hugely important. ZERO evidence, but what about the video. I can put false information if that helps you believe it.

    2. As and when the information is available, I always put it in. Anonymous reports or unverifiable are always posted as is. The video should be evidence enough. Knowing the time I assume is needed but not critical. 80% plus UFO sightings are reported anonymously. They're still hugely important. ZERO evidence, but what about the video. I can put false information if that helps you believe it.

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