A Martian entity or Mars soldier can be seen in the shadow of the Mars Rover, caught on camera kneeling as if it's spying on the Rover for some reason. Many people have reported and researched this, but this is my opinion about it and what I think it is.
This is an actual Martian soldier, and this is a historical, poignant, and mind-blowing event. It has all been captured by the NASA Mars Rover's cameras for humanity's records.

Occasionally, NASA offers us a clue about the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and I believe this is one such instance. What else could this be if not a genuine, bona fide alien either trailing or stalking the Mars Rover? Possibly a weathered rock formation from hundreds of thousands of years in the Martian atmosphere.
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My gut feeling is that there is much more to this than meets the eye. In the future, when aliens are commonplace, people will begin to ask questions such as, "Was my UFO sighting real? Was my alien abduction real, or was I dreaming it?" I believe that in the future, we will receive answers, and those answers will be very, very revealing.
Check out my YouTube channel.
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Cover-ups in the future will be localized to people and specific aliens whose accounts of the aliens' features in their testimonials will resemble the extraterrestrial visitors as acknowledged by the future US government.
Again, we have not put this image through any filters or graphics software. This is the same image as on the NASA website—please compare it. It is still obvious where the "Alien" is, even in this image and even though we are zoomed out quite far. This is why I am certain that this is an Alien that we are seeing.

NASA cannot and will not admit to aliens being real or that the UFOs we keep capturing on camera are real. However, they will put all the information they want the public to know about online. I believe this is their way of saying, "Aliens don't exist, but reading between the lines, they do exist," by publishing this apparent image of an alien on Mars.
Just so you know, I wrote this in 2018, and the US government had not acknowledged the existence of the UAPs, nor had they declassified the multiple UAP videos. We do know that the UAP video footage is from 2014, so were they lying? I'll let you decide if standing in front of the classified secret information like the UAP videos is lying.
I could be mistaken, and this may very well be a rock or swamp gas, but I don't think so, do you? I do not have any other explanation for what this is or what the odds of the likelihood of this being a natural rock formation are.
I made this video to show how astounded I am about this and just how much I believe that this is an alien. The video shows me sharing the thoughts I initially had and the thing that convinced me this is an alien—the alien kneeling soldier on Mars.
I can see its shoes, I can see its suit, and the scarf-like neck material. The fact that this has a "gun" is absolutely frightening, as it tells me that these Mars Aliens are armed. But why are they armed? What threat do they face? Is it us who are the threat? Is it human beings, or is it another Alien race on Mars? We all must have many, many questions about this image, guys.

The thing about NASA is that they allow you to share their images and videos as long as you give them credit in your posts, so here's to you, NASA, for finally coming clean and showing us, through your wonderful images, that there are aliens on Mars. Cheers, NASA JPL - Caltech and MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems).
Guys, I've provided you with all the sources that I strongly suggest you research to find interesting information. I've added the source of the raw image and the NASA coworkers' websites that all work with NASA. These sites are a wealth of information and valuable disclosures, depending on where you look and how you interpret what you're reading and seeing.

Also, here is a great post about a herd of animals supposedly seen on Mars again in NASA's images.
I decided to make this video, and I think I explained myself and my opinions well. It's a short video, and I believe I get the message across, lol. Please share this post with your friends, and let's get some dialogue going about what this is. But remember that I recorded this video a very long time ago.
This image was taken by Mastcam: Right (MAST_RIGHT) aboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 1402 (July 16, 2016, at 15:00:14 UTC).
If you've got any thoughts on this post please share them with us in the comments below and please don't forget to share this post thank you.{alertInfo}
Source NASA/JPL - Caltech, MSSS.
Source Reference MS Malin Space Science Systems.
Source NASA Image Gallery Archives.
Source JPL.
Source Reference Caltech.
Source Reference Caltech - JPL.