Using ideas to harness energy may sound like science fiction, but it’s actually a secret reserved to a very small number of initiates. The amount of energy that a simple idea can generate is unrivalled. Here’s how you can generate and harness energy from ideas:
Activation Firstly, let us get to grips with what activation of the human body means. I can use a few metaphors, like coming online, awakening, piercing the veils, being reborn or ascending into a higher vibration. Many of these analogies are likened to the first part of just realising that everything you have become was based on a big fat lie. Activation is the grace and bliss awaiting a soul after a complete deprogramming of matrix-based constructs. The collapsing of a whole world created out of ignorance and the reconstruction of a new one by the creator you have acknowledged in yourself, the eternal and sovereign soul.
This new world is indeed the one you may have heard prophesied about, and will come about for everyone as soon as enough souls have reached this unavoidable conclusion: the realisation that we are above the control of the control setup of what has kept reality as it is (i.e. a tape that’s been stuck for thousands of years).
The Will It is only now that we are remembering that we are the creators of everything, even all the gods ever worshipped that are kept alive to this day by astral energy in the astral plane, seeking more devotees, more slaves! These gods now find themselves in a predicament where they will slowly lose all power in the form of fear given off by the ignorant seeking salvation outside themselves.
A major source — if not the biggest source — of energy is directly linked to the consciousness of the individual. The Chinese relate to someone in healthful vigour as having an energised spirit. What is an energised spirit? This relates to your WILL to live. How badly do you want to get up in the morning?Do you jump up and start your day with passion or do you slowly but surely hesitantly rise from a coffin? The Will of an individual has plenty to do with the story they choose to believe to be true, connecting to their reality.
- As consciousness grows to higher levels, the Will of an individual likewise becomes bigger, as more responsibilities are realised with the realisation that you are your own world-builder. And, of course, every single thing manifests from your very own output. Here is another analogy: imagine someone tells you that you will definitely win the lottery tomorrow. How would you feel that night beforehand?
- Would you be able to fall asleep? The answer is probably no, because your energy levels would be extremely high from the idea that you will be a millionaire soon. Where is this intense energy actually coming from? It is coming from an idea inside of you, an idea that is charging you up with so much energy that you cannot even fall sleep!
- The mind is the author. The creativity of our minds all hold the keys to generating ideas which we can feed off of. And we are free to create anything out of an infinite amount of possibilities and potential. Those with the most energy are actually those who believe that what they are doing is leading them to their ultimate dreams. That is why there are people who live in extreme poverty with much higher spirits than others who live in better financial conditions.
- Their consciousnesses are running on different internal motivational mechanisms — a major source of the energetic state. According to physics, everything is energy in its purest form, which means that those who are suffering from low energy levels are trapped in states of ignorant obliviousness. These are the victims falling under the archonic/matrix programming syndrome.
Taming the Energy
- It is a sad fact that there is plenty of conflict in the world over just that, energy. People believe that there is not enough to go around, while there is more than can ever be used, in more forms than we will probably ever discover on this planet. As long as you discover that your state of consciousness is the mightiest dynamo of free energy you will ever need, then you will never be low on energy ever again, as you learn to perpetuate yourself through this world, simply harnessing energy from ideas!
Be sure to remain calm and balanced, though, as emotions can disturb you when they become too strong. This is where wisdom comes in: you’ll have to be able to remain centred even if you win the lottery, not to become too excited.
What is wisdom?
Wisdom is you, the observer, the timeless soul. This is a different mindset, one that calms the flames raging from the ideas that fuel you, and keeps them in check, in order to prevent the body from overcharging itself and becoming too positive —”getting high” on too much energy. In a sense, you have to master the art of not taking the rational minds’ ideas up too seriously while, at the same time, still allowing them to be. What I am saying is synonymous with the practice of identification with the mind to remain in a fully aware present state where all possibility may manifest.
This brings us to the highest realm of energy, the present moment. Here is where awareness experiences reality. How much of it is focused in this time frame depends on the presence of the individual. Here is where the mind gets in the way, unfortunately, stealing vital moments from awareness, which you will never get back again. If awareness steals away your attention, is it a good or a bad thing?
- Well, firstly, let’s take a look at a psychological phenomena that most people suffer from, and that is judgement. We consciously and, sometimes even unconsciously, judge ourselves, everyone and everything around us.
When we make conversations with other people, we also talk to ourselves at the same time, holding an internal dialogue about what we think that is going on. If you are in a social situation that demands compassion and understanding, then the thought that is screaming for your attention is, nine times out of ten, irrelevant to the present moment. It is here where you lose out on beautiful, vital, moments of life, which are only perceived through non-judgement and acceptance. It is here where you can create the most effects in life, by being available to synchronicity. The present moment is a prerequisite to finding the frequency where love resides. Love is the highest form of energy, one that nothing can surpass. Once reached, the love vibration will catapult you to your highest energetic state — one that will stay with you whatever you do and wherever you might go.
Bob Marley famously said “my home is everywhere I go.”