Crab Looking Creature on Mars In A NASA Photo

OMG the Mars Alien PROOF a lot of people have all been waiting for and it's possible that it's here now!

This proves that life on Mars exists because of this Crab creature.

Credit NASA/Canva/UFO Sightings Footage.

This can't be the wind or a bit of swamp gas? This is a crab-like critter on Mars. It's life on the red planet. Remember the face of Mars.

Check out my YouTube channel.

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That's still there but has been blurred out by NASA's so-called scientists, more like professional liars. If you want proof just go on over to Wikipedia.

But knowing them, so and so's that they are they won't admit it - NASA that is? If you ask for an answer you get a fully pre-prepared script from a team of spin doctors which depending on that specific day, you'll either get swamp gas, a weather balloon, Chinese lanterns, or a DIY rocket enthusiast.

How about this one for an excuse from NASA:

The UFO that you saw, you didn't see because we wear white coats and you're just a pleb - plus it's Aliens, you must be crazy! Even though it is why we are in space, looking for Alien life forms.

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But a member of the public will not beat NASA to confirming that Aliens exist as we've put trillions into it! You buy a camera and discover Alien life, no way it's not happening.
And the penny finally drops!

Face on Mars in popular culture of sci-fi and the movies.

Ok, so I've covered lying scum bags, face on Mars, and blurred-out photos... Oh yeah, "Crab like Alien" bug, on Mars. The phantom Crab. Why NASA releases this stuff and then totally denies it is absolutely beyond me.

Why not just don't release it in the first place?

My working theory is this;

NASA thinks either, we won't see it or they think we're stupid enough that it will go over our heads as a bit of Mars wind would. It relates to swamp gas which is on the wind I suppose.

Drilling on Mars by the NASA Rover.

Then there's this other bug on Mars.

Drilling on Mars catches an unknown piece of debris or a small creature.

I have a whole host of images from Mars that show life once was on Mars. Skull and bones, huge structures and complexes, drilling sites, radar and or microwave dishes. There are monuments, structures of domes, domiciles, mechanical wheels, infrastructure, pipes, and statues. All coincidences don't forget, paradolia they like to call it. Calling anyone who sees something that they didn't see. Or, you're seeing things that aren't there - silly. Lol, it's truly stupid.

Credit CCTV English.

So my final thought is this, Aliens once lived on Mars and that's why NASA, SpaceX Bigelow, Blue Ocean, and Pink Floyd all have an interest in Mars. The bugs that are left behind are like cockroaches that would be left on Earth after a nuclear war wiped out humans. Or something like that, to be honest with you I'm sick of having to defend my beliefs that Aliens are on Mars, the Moon, and in our top atmosphere. If you don't believe it, stop reading it and leave it to the adults.

Alien artefacts on Mars like a dish supposedly found by the Rover.

The Express online

The alleged footage of the Martian food chain in action was filmed by the NASA Curiosity rover droid as it drilled into the surface to take samples. A clip has been made from the footage by the YouTube channel Mars Alive, which seeks out evidence of life in NASA pictures and videos, alleging that it shows the small alien predator feeding on an even smaller creature.

The video, entitled "NASA What Has Curiosity Rover Detected Here"

UFO researcher Scott C Waring, of ufosightingsdaily dot com, agrees it is proof of alien life. He blogged: Here you see the Curiosity rover drilling into the dirt on Mars and as it is, a small critter is seen walking away from the drill area. To top it off, the small creature walks just a little way, before something even bigger stretches out from below a rock and snags it. 

My view;
It is very extraordinary video footage, to say the least. You see the creature or debris (likely just debris) using the shadows of the Curiosity Rover to be blown behind. The shadows could be misinterpreted so that's something for experts to look into because we not only see a crab-like bug, but we see its behaviours also. The first bug, debris, creature, or whatever the thing is using the Rover somehow brings it out. This is a one-off event that NASA won't let happen again probably. But now with other countries involved in the space race like China and India, who knows what the future might hold?

Russia recently warned the US that if it doesn't tell the public then Putin will. It is worth remembering that the number of credible videos coming out of Russia showing downed UFOs and crashed mangled Alien bodies of Aliens is increasing and more. To say Russia never had its own Alien technology, back-engineering program is laughable. But not as nearly as successful as the United States? Let's not forget that the USA tried to bankrupt the USSR into fighting a fictitious war to win the moon, so the US had a start over the Russians.

That was a time in history when Russia let its guard down and was taken advantage of. The US did play a number on them with that. The amount of UFOs over Russia is dwarfed by the sightings over the USA which tells me that the US is indeed in the lead with reverse-engineered technology and is having better luck with it. The Russians got into it late in the game when they downed their own UFO and well that's history.

If you've got a question or any thoughts you'd like to share with us please don't hesitate to leave a comment below and please could you share this post thank you.{alertInfo}

Credit: NASA, CCTV, yassin m.r.x YouTube Channel, UFO Sightings Daily, UFO Sightings Footage, UFO Madness, ufosfootage.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. Just a heads up your link at the beginning of your article Lee, takes you to Wikipedia not to WikiLeaks. I would be very interested to see if there are any Wikileaks concerning this matter. Thank you for sharing this with us

  2. i like where you said that if someone doesn't believe you that there are aliens on mars, on the moon, and in the upper atmosphere, they should "leave it to the grown-ups".

    please, tell me, when are the grown-ups arriving? you sound like an angry little demented boy throwing a temper tantrum because no one believes in his imaginary friends.

    this article is garbage. you need to stop "writing" about science fiction and pretending it's a reality.

    UFO's happen, but just because they're unidentified doesn't mean they're extraterrestrial in origin. you're not allowed to say it's aliens and then get mad when people laugh in your face lol.

    also, that "skull" is just a rock. it's a rock that someone thought looked like something else because humans are designed to find familiar patterns in random objects, and then they went and doctored the photo to make it look more like what they thought they saw.

    classic case of expert retardation.

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